Ethnic Struggles for Autonomy in Cauca, Colombia

Spring 2022 Grant Recipient

Graduate Student

Josué Godoy (History)

My project explores the ways Indigenous intellectuals in the Regional Indigenous
Council of Cauca (CRIC) of the 1970s articulated non-Western ways of being in their
mobilization of Indigenous peasantry to social action. These articulations challenged
assumptions of the universality of Western understandings of being and faced off against
homogenizing discourses from the leadership of the National Association of Peasant Users
(ANUC). The Unidad Indígena (Indigenous Unity) periodical that began in the 1970s in
collaboration with ANUC became an area for indigenous struggles for autonomy. My project
will consult and attempt to digitize relevant parts of the periodical to further understand the
indigenous articulations of non-Western ways of being.